Sunday, October 19, 2008

Random reigns!

Above is a lovely picture of love and union between my Winnie teddy and babz my bunny! they make such a cute couple dont ya think!

Ok some funny quotes to Sam on the phones "I took you cellularly!" random! Also my cub scout Shane told me I looked like a million dollars...old and wrinkled! What a legend..yes I can take a joke!lol

Heres a lovely poem off the top of me noggin!

There once was a puppy
who loved to run around
his name was zuppy
and he made a cute noise
one day he was chasing a fly
who was a little too high
so he jumped
but didn't look
and landed in a bucket....

I love how my poems always stop rhyming!haha

Today my post is short and sweet

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Wow I've been lazy

Wow I havent written here in a while and mainly its because i've been very random and been playing frisbee in the dark!!! :P Right I am soo blonde I cannot think of quotes from the last two weeks!!! There is soo much but I promise from now on I shall save it in my phone the moment I hear it!!

Heres a new poem:

There once was a lad called Jack
He walked around with a sack
people would ask what was in it
but he would never admit
that in there was some potatoes
he just had nowhere to keep them...

Yes odd stuff there!

Must tell you bout my ducks.... I have three..Edgar, Allen and Poe.

Edgar lives in my Dads car on the dash board he likes it there.
Allen is a lil slut and never know where he is!
Poe is quiet and relaxed

Oh while drunk Aaron sang this "I fucked a duck and I liked it!!"

but i like this!

awww how funny/cute is this:

I'm outtie!