Friday, September 19, 2008


Thats all I can say..hehehehe

heres my quote/inuendo for today. We were sitting around the table and my brother was talking bout the dentist and he said : "He used stick his fingers and all sorts of things in there" hahhahahaha I thought that was HILARIOUS!!! oh btw HI MOM! :P

Ok here goes my poem...

There once was a guy called Ted
who fell right outta bed
He hurt his pool old head
And forgot everything
so when his phone did ring
who couldn't find the thing.
but it would't have mattered anyway
Cus his memory was somewhere with it!
He was in a daze for days
till he fell into a pit

The end :P

I do realise my insanity is well insane! My manager told me umteen times today that i was Crazy...Thanks Laura haha

Heres A lovely sketch for today too...That is all

1 comment:

Stephen said...

well he used drills, mirrors, scrapers and then expect answers to questions while thing were in there! typical cork man, he wants the impossible! :P