Tuesday, September 23, 2008

yet more innuendo!

Wel after 2days of not posting i have accumulated many quotes of innuendo splender! Sunday night myself Ian Aaron and Dean went to see the women and these quotes rose from our conversation..

As I put my slush puppy down..... Dean "Woah i thought you were gonna miss the hole!"
Claire "I never miss the hole!"

Funny! Then as I squirmed in my chair Dean turned to me and asked what was up my reply "hes licking me and sticking things in my crevases" Aaron was trying to stick popcorn in my ears and nose! lol

Tonight in Cub Scouts i have to quote my brother AGAIN! playing numbers game he shouted at one kid "you did a number two instead" I really hope he didnt Steve cause thats nasty!!! :P

Ok now for my usual poem!!!

Up in the tree there lay a sloth
he was being annoyed by an old grey moth
He swung to hit it
but was slow and missed it
instead he fell tothe ground
and landed on an ant mound
you can guess it hurt
he was covered in earth
he let out a sigh
and began to climb.

Right need my bed laters!#

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